Rotronic HP32 Hygropalm Handheld Humidity Meter

  • Measures relative humidity and temperature and perform
  • psychometric calculations
  • Visual and audible alarms
  • Graphic display for saved data
  • 64’000 data points memory with programmable logging interval
  • Long-life rechargeable battery (up to 48 hours at a logging
  • interval of 30 seconds)


The Rotronic HP32 HygroPalm is a versatile handheld instrument designed for measuring and logging relative humidity, temperature, and psychrometric parameters. It offers a range of features and capabilities that make it a valuable tool for various applications.

Key Features:

  • Compatibility: Compatible with all HC2A and HC2 Rotronic probes, providing flexibility for different measurement scenarios.
  • Spot Measurements and Logging: Perform both quick spot measurements and long-term data logging with time-programmable intervals.
  • Psychrometric Calculations: Calculate essential parameters like dew point, frost point, wet bulb temperature, enthalpy, vapor concentration, specific humidity, mixing ratio, and vapor
  • pressure.
  • Graphical Display: Visualize data with clear graphs and up to four values displayed simultaneously.
  • Alarms: Set customizable visual and audible alarms for critical parameters, ensuring timely alerts.
  • Large Memory: Store up to 64,000 data points for comprehensive data analysis.
  • Long Battery Life: Enjoy extended operation time with a rechargeable battery lasting up to 48 hours with active logging.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive navigation and easy-to-read display for convenient operation.


Field Inspection and Spot Checks: Quickly assess humidity and temperature conditions in various environments.
HVAC/R: Monitor and control HVAC systems for optimal performance and energy efficiency.
Pharmaceutical Industry: Ensure precise humidity and temperature control in sensitive manufacturing and storage areas.
Building Management Systems: Optimize building conditions for occupant comfort and energy conservation.
Agriculture and Food Industry: Monitor environmental factors affecting crop growth and food storage.

The Rotronic HP32 HygroPalm is a reliable and versatile handheld instrument that empowers users to accurately measure, log, and analyze humidity and temperature data, making it an essential tool for professionals in various industries.

Additional information



General specifications
Order code HP31 HP32
Device type Handheld device (%RH / °C)
Compatible probes


Fixed probe All HC2A and HC2 probes (except HC2-LDP)
Application range -10…60 °C | 0…100 %RH (non-cond.)
Storage range -10…45 °C | 10…90 %RH
Probe application range -10…60 °C | 0…100 %RH (non-cond.) Depends on probe
Functions Spot measurements Programmable logging interval MIN / MAX / AVG
General specifications
Order code HP31 HP32
Accuracy @ 23°C ±2 %rH / ±0.3 °C Depends on probe
Logging interval 1 s…24 h
Memory capacity 8 x 8000 data points
Psychrometric calculations Dew / Frost point (Dp / Fp) Wet bulb temperature (Tw) Enthalpy (H)

Vapor concentration (Dv) Specific humidity (Q) Mixing ratio by weight (R) Vapor pressure (E)

Saturation vapor pressure (Ew) Saturation vapor density (SVD)

Calculation method WMO Standard
Display refresh rate 1 s (typical)
Integrated battery Lithium polymer, 3.7 V, 1000 mAh

48 h – Logging every 30 s, screen off

10 h – Screen always on

PC interface Micro-USB port, HW4 compatible > V3.9
Housing / Mechanics
Enclosure material ABS, TPR
IP protection class IP65
Dimensions 160 x 63 x 30 mm
Weight 185 g

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