Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer

  • Guided testing with graphical step-by-step connection diagrams
  • Preset measurement profiles reduce setup complexity
  • Built-in report writing capabilities
  • Easily produce as-found and as-left troubleshooting reports


The Fluke MDA-550 is a sophisticated Motor Drive Analyzer designed for professionals who need to troubleshoot and analyze complex motor drive systems. Here’s a breakdown of its key features and capabilities:

Key Features and Capabilities:

  • Motor Drive Analysis:
    • It’s specifically designed to analyze variable frequency drives (VFDs), also known as variable speed drives (VSDs) or adjustable speed drives (ASDs).
    • It measures key motor-drive parameters, including:
    • Voltage and current (input and output)
    • DC bus voltage and ripple
    • Harmonics
    • Voltage and current unbalance
    • Voltage modulation
    • Motor shaft voltage discharges
  • Comprehensive Measurements:
    • It functions as a 3-in-1 tool: a motor-drive analyzer, a waveform analyzer, and a data logger.
    • It offers extended harmonics measurements to identify the effects of harmonics on electrical power systems.
    • It includes a full 500 MHz oscilloscope, meter, and recording capabilities for a wide range of electrical and electronic measurements.
  • Guided Measurements:
    • It features guided measurement setups with graphical step-by-step connection diagrams, simplifying complex measurements.
    • Preset measurement profiles automate data collection based on selected test procedures.
  • Safety and Durability:
    • It has a high safety rating: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III, allowing for use at service entrances and downstream.
  • Reporting:
    • It facilitates quick and easy report creation for documenting troubleshooting and collaboration.
  • Harmonic Analysis:
    • It provides the ability to discover the harmonics of the motor-drive, and also discover the possible effects of inverter switching electronics. It has three harmonic ranges, 1st to 51st Harmonics, 1 to 9 kHz and 9 to 150 kHz.
  • Applications:
    • Industrial automation
    • HVAC/R (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration)
    • Motor repair
    • Industrial manufacturing
    • Waste water treatment
    • Oil and gas maintenance.

In essence, the Fluke MDA-550 is a powerful tool for electrical and maintenance professionals who need to diagnose and resolve issues in motor drive systems efficiently and accurately.

Additional information



Specifications: Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer

Measurement and Analysis Combinations
Test point Sub group Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4
Motor drive input
Voltage and current
Phase-phase V-A-Hz V ac+dc A ac+dc Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Phase-ground V-A-Hz V ac+dc A ac+dc Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V ac+dc V ac+dc V ac+dc Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk
Motor drive DC bus
DC V dc V pk-to-pk V peak max
Ripple V ac V pk-to-pk Hz
Motor drive output
Voltage and current (filtered) V-A-Hz V PWM A ac+dc Hz V/Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V PWM V PWM V PWM Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk
Voltage modulation
Phase-phase Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk Hz V/Hz
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-ground Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V Peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V Peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-DC + Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V Peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-DC – Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Motor input
Voltage and current (filtered) V-A-Hz V PWM A ac+dc Hz V/Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V PWM V PWM V PWM Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk
Voltage modulation
Phase-phase Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk Hz V/Hz
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-ground Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Motor shaft
Shaft voltage Events off V pk-to-pk
Events on Delta V Rise/fall time Delta V/s Events/s
Motor drive input, output and motor input
Harmonics Voltage V ac V fundamental Hz fundamental % THD
Current A ac A fundamental Hz fundamental % THD/TDD


Measurement Function Specification
DC voltage (V dc)
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1mV / 10mV
Full scale reading 999 counts
Accuracy at 4 s to 10 us/div ± (1.5 % + 6 counts)
True-rms voltage (V ac or V ac + dc) (with DC coupling selected)
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 1 mv / 10 mV
Full scale reading 999 counts
DC to 60 Hz ± (1.5 % + 10 counts)
60 Hz to 20 kHz ± (2.5 % + 15 counts)
20 kHz to 1 MHz ± (5 % + 20 counts)
1 MHz to 25 MHz ± (10 % + 20 counts)
PWM voltage (V pwm)
Purpose To measure on pulse width modulated signals, like motor drive inverter outputs
Principle Readings show the effective voltage based on the average value of samples over a whole number of periods of the fundamental frequency
Accuracy As Vac+dc for sinewave signals
Peak voltage (V peak)
Modes Max peak, min peak, or pk-to-pk
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 10 mV
Max peak, min peak ± 0.2 division
Pk-to-pk ± 0.4 division
Full scale reading 800 counts
Current (AMP) with current clamp
Ranges Same as V ac, Vac+dc or V peak
Scale Factors 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 20 mV/A, 50mV/A, 100 mV/A, 200 mV/A, 400 mV/A
Accuracy Same as Vac, Vac+dc or V peak (add current clamp accuracy)
Frequency (Hz)
Range 1.000 Hz to 500 MHz
Full scale reading 9999 counts
Accuracy ± (0.5 % + 2 counts)
Voltage/Herz ratio (V/Hz)
Purpose To show the measured V PWM value (see V PWM) divided by the fundamental frequency on vari- able ac motor speed drives
Accuracy % Vrms + % Hz
Voltage unbalance drive input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 true-rms voltages
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on Vac+dc values
Voltage unbalance drive output and motor input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 PWM voltages
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on V PWM values
Current unbalance drive input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 AC current values
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on Aac+dc values
Current unbalance drive output and motor input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 AC current values
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on A ac values
Rise and fall time
Readings Voltage difference (dV), time difference (dt), voltage vs time difference (dV/dt), overshoot
Accuracy As oscilloscope accuracy
Harmonics and spectrum
Harmonics DC to 51st
Spectrum ranges 1…9 kHz, 9-150 kHz (20 MHz filter on), up to 500 MHz (voltage modulation)
Shaft voltage
Events / second Indicative percentage based on rise and fall time (Impulse discharges) measurements
Report data capture
Number of screens Typical 50 screens can be saved in reports (depends on compression ratio)
Transfer to PC Using 32 GB or smaller 2 GB USB stick or mini-USB to USB cable or WiFi link and FlukeView™ 2 for ScopeMeter®
Probe settings
Voltage Probe 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1, 20:1, 200:1
Current Clamp 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 20 mV/A, 50 mV/A, 100 mV/A, 200 mV/A, 400 mV/A
Shaft Voltage Probe 1:1, 10:1, 100:1
General IEC 61010-1: Pollution Degree 2
Measurement Measurement IEC 61010-2-030: CAT IV 600 V / CAT III 1000 V
Maximum voltage between any Terminal and Earth Ground 1000 V
Max. input voltages Via VPS410-II or VPS421 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
BNC Input A, B, C, D directly 300 V CAT IV
Max. Floating Voltage, test tool or test tool with VPS410-II / VPS421 voltage probe From any terminal to earth ground 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV Between any terminal 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
Working voltage between probe tip and probe reference lead VPS410-II: 1000 V
VPS421: 2000 V


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