Fluke 77 IV Digital Multimeter

  • True-RMS AC Voltage and Current: Ensures accurate measurements on complex waveforms.
  • Large, Backlit Display: Easy-to-read display, even in low-light conditions.
  • Min/Max Recording: Captures minimum and maximum readings.
  • Diode Test: Tests various types of diodes.
  • Auto and Manual Ranging: Flexible measurement settings.
  • Frequency Measurement: Measures frequency up to 100 kHz.
  • Capacitance Measurement: Measures capacitance values.
  • Safety Rating: CAT III 1000V / CAT IV 600V safety rating for demanding environments.


The Fluke 77 IV is a reliable and user-friendly digital multimeter designed for a wide range of electrical and electronic troubleshooting tasks. It offers a combination of essential features and user-friendly design, making it a valuable tool for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

Key Features:

  • True-RMS AC Voltage and Current: Ensures accurate measurements on complex waveforms, including non-sinusoidal signals.
  • Large, Backlit Display: Provides clear visibility of measurement readings, even in low-light conditions.
  • Min/Max Recording: Captures minimum and maximum readings for trend analysis.
  • Diode Test: Tests various types of diodes.
  • Auto and Manual Ranging: Offers flexibility in measurement settings.
  • Frequency Measurement: Measures frequency up to 100 kHz.
  • Capacitance Measurement: Measures capacitance values.
  • Safety Rating: CAT III 1000V / CAT IV 600V safety rating for demanding environments.


  • Electrical Installation and Maintenance: Verifying voltage, current, and resistance in electrical systems.
  • HVAC Systems: Troubleshooting HVAC equipment, such as motors, compressors, and fans.
  • Automotive Diagnostics: Testing battery voltage, alternator output, and starter motor current.
  • Home and Building Inspections: Checking electrical outlets, switches, and wiring.

The Fluke 77 IV is a versatile and durable multimeter that can handle a wide range of electrical testing tasks. Its advanced features and robust construction make it a valuable tool for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

Additional information



Specifications: Fluke 77 IV Digital Multimeter

Voltage DC Range 6.000 V – 1000 V
Best accuracy ±(0.3% + 1)
Best resolution 0.1 mV
Voltage AC Range 600.0 mV – 1000V
Best accuracy ±(2.0% + 2)
Best resolution 1.0 mV
Amps AC Range 60.00 mA – 10 A
Best accuracy 2.5% + 2
Best resolution 0.01 mA
Amps DC Range 60.00 mA – 10A
Best accuracy 1.5% + 2
Best resolution 0.01 mA
Resistance Range 600.0 Ω – 50 MΩ
Best accuracy ±(0.5% + 1)
Best resolution 0.1 Ω
Capacitance Range 1nF – 9,999 μF
Best accuracy ±(1.2% + 2)
Best resolution 1 nF
Frequency Range 99.99Hz – 99.99kHz
Best accuracy ±(0.1% + 1)
Best resolution 0.01 Hz
Safety ANSI / ISA S82.02.01, CSA C22.2–1010.1, IEC 61010 to 1000 V Measurement Category III, 600 V Measurement Category IV
Certifications CSA, TÜV (EN61010), Π, (N10140)
General Specifications
Maximum voltage between any terminal and earth ground 1000 V
Surge protection 8 kV peak per IEC 61010
Ω Fuse for mA inputs 440 mA, 1000 V FAST Fuse
Ω Fuse for A inputs 11 A, 1000 V FAST Fuse
Display Digital 6000 counts, updates 4/sec
Bar graph 33 segments, updates 32/sec
Frequency 10,000 counts
Capacitance 1,000 counts
Altitude Operating 2,000 meters
Storage 12,000 meters
Temperature Operating -10°C to + 50°C
Storage -40°C to + 60°C
Temperature coefficient 0.1 x (specified accuracy / °C (< 18°C or > 28°C)
Electromagnetic compatibility
(EN 61326–1:1997)
In an RF field of 3 V/M, accuracy = specified accuracy except in temperature:
specified accuracy ±5°C (9°F)
Relative humidity
(maximum non-condensing)
90% to 35°C
75% to 40°C
45% to 50°C
Battery life 400 hours typical (alkaline)
Size (H x W x L) 4.3 x 9 x 18.5 cm
Weight 420 g


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